Why pay for needless energy waste?

Since 2008, Rede Energy Solutions has helped over 150 schools and organizations reduce costs, meet their budgets, and to save money and energy.

If you want to save hundreds of thousands of dollars while protecting our planet then contact us about our robust energy management programs. Your colleagues have benefited. Why not you?

Contact us to know more about how you can reduce your costs and then redirect those saving towards the people who matter – your staff, your community, your students, your teachers.

Here’s what your colleagues are saying.

Before Northland started working with Rede, we had no energy management plan at all.

“We recognized quickly that we can save money with an energy management program.

Wayne Turpin, Construction Manager
Northland School Division, Alberta

The Rede team is all about proactively implementing energy solutions.

“They see a gap and they take care of it.

Alex Telford, Manager of Facilities and Transportation
SD27, British Columbia

For people like myself money talks. 

“If we can engage someone like Rede to find inefficiencies within our facilities, then we are able to address them.

Norman Buhler, Secretary Treasurer
Fort Vermilion School Division, Alberta

Contact us today to discuss your energy management needs